Tattle Tales

A Churchy Ad-venturism?

June 28 - July 5, 2006

for better or verse
(The famed Basilica of St Anthony at Padua has fallen into great disrepair and for funding needed its Church authorities sought donations from financial institutions, agreeing in turn to permit them to place their advertisements in the church)

Almighty God step down from heaven and see
Your once dilapidated Church is now as new as can be
Collections were sparse, contributions few
To raise funds we tried something radically new
Financial institutions, private companies agreed to pay
They’d donate but their ads should be put on display
So a music shop has an ad where the choristers sit
Another ad for sound systems is beside the pulpit
A bank has placed flyers in each and every pew
Listing its financial services that could help you
Around the holy water font posters you’ll find
Advertising for the new-born gifts of all kind
The congregation has doubled – they’re thrilled to see
A new wing being added – and a brand new belfry
They love the new organ – and the new vestry door
They praise the improved lighting and new mosaic floor
Commercialism may overtake sanctity it’s said
As it helps Church finances from being in the red
 — Leonora


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