The x factor

A good wife in the 21st Century

September 27 - October 4, 2006
Gulf Weekly A good wife in the 21st Century

Hello darlings, I loved this article. I found it insightful, sensitive, modern and self empowering. 

Oops, I just moved my double voddy glass and realised I had been reading Achieving happiness with your Armani model lookalike-non-alpha type personality-housework loving-stamina charged Man! Sorry about that. 
I do hope this 1955 article (see below) was followed up immediately with laundry advice on how to remove the footprint marks from your perfect silk blouse and blue hair ribbons that were received whilst being a doormat.
And if you really were following the advice then you probably fell over from either pure emotional boredom/ exhaustion or one too many relaxing martinis and he accidentally stepped on you whilst  tripping over the shoelace you neglected to tie for him when he left for work that morning.
Mutually meeting each other’s needs is what we all strive for in a relationship. It is what we are programmed to expect from a multitude of sources throughout our formative years. 
But remember, being too submissive equals loss of respect over time from your partner just as being too dominant and controlling results in separation of  honest emotions and affection from both sides.
Finding a happy medium is an individual endeavour. Individual to you as a person and to you as a couple. If you want a better partner you need to be a better partner. We are all each other’s angels and demons.
If I could go back in time to 1955 and offer some modern advice to assist the eager housewife in balancing the responsibilities to her husband and family and more importantly to herself I would say this.
Firstly let the children run around naked. It will save you at least six hours a week in laundry.
Secondly, if you lock the doors and windows once you let the children outside, they will be forced to go to the neighbours for food thus saving you at least another 20 hours a week in food prep and dish time. (Don’t you worry one bit about your neighbours judging you because they already feel sorry for you.)
These time saving initiatives will allow you personal investment time to do with as you wish, like mixing and downing martinis, pre ordering take away and arranging it in your finest china, talking longer with your girlfriends about how unfulfilled your life is or just private investigation time because your King didn’t come home two nights that week.
Now where was my place again? Oh yes, right next to the drawer full of AA, C and excitingly large D size batteries. You self (em)powered and fulfilled women know what I’m talking about.

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