Horoscopes & Lifestyle

GW sees your stars for the week

March 7 - 14, 2007
(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

A secret admirer could perform an anonymous act of kindness on your behalf. The angels are definitely on your side this week. If you’re put in a position of power, try to make the lives of worker bees just a little sweeter. It’s important to acknowledge the efforts of people who are often overlooked. A vivid dream could prompt you to change career paths. Doing what you love for a living helps you handle life’s harsher realities.

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

A friend could encourage you to update your look or add some attractive items to your wardrobe. Don’t fret over the cost; you’re worth it! You could make a handsome profit from work that seems more like play. Contrary to what you might think, there is a market for your expert knowledge. Teaching an adult education class could put some extra cash in your pocket. If you’ve been struggling with conceiving or adopting a child, you might get some welcome news this week.

(Apr 20 - May 20)

Trust your intuition with regard to a spiritual matter. You’re operating from a good place, which is half the battle. An older relative will congratulate you on taking the high road. It’s nice to know you’ve earned this person’s respect, especially when others are questioning your sanity. It takes real courage to take the high road when the alternative is boosting your own bank account. A prominent figure could express romantic interest in you.

(May 21 - June 20)

If you’re looking for a fun destination for your next vacation, ask a well travelled friend for suggestions. This person will also have valuable tips on what to pack. If you’re looking for love, you could find it at a local hangout. Keep your eyes open for someone who exudes calm maturity. If you’re already in a relationship, it would be wise to ask your partner for guidance regarding a problem with a relative or neighbour.

(Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Your social finesse is incredibly attractive, and may lure a tender dreamer into your web of intrigue. If you’re already in a relationship, take this opportunity to pay tribute to your lover in a public way. Embarking on a new diet or exercise routine will boost your self esteem. Best of all, when you treat yourself with respect, others will follow suit. Negotiating more vacation time or extra perks might be easier than you think this week. Summon your powers of persuasion.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Venturing into unfamiliar territory appeals to your sense of adventure. Keep in mind, though, that some of your behaviour can be misinterpreted due to cultural differences. Be prepared to adapt your actions as a means to make others more comfortable. This mature attitude will attract lots of romantic interest. You’re especially appealing to well travelled people who know how tricky it is to overcome ingrained habits for the sake of learning something new. A close friend encourages you to take a creative risk.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Your sex appeal is red hot, and could draw lots of attention on the job. In fact, your allure may be so strong that you’re forced to tone down your good looks, just in the interests of getting some work done! A inside tip from an older friend could enable you to find a wonderful home for a very reasonable price. Be prepared to move like lightning. If you feel strongly about a health issue, bring it up to your colleagues.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Creative inspiration could come from a business or romantic partner. It’s nice to get recognition for your skills and talents. If you’re thinking of having a baby, discuss it with your beloved. You may be pleasantly surprised by their response. Feel overburdened? Think about joining a large organisation. This will put you in contact with people who can help you with emotional, financial, and spiritual support. Self reliance is terribly overrated.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Making your work area more comfortable will provide lots of creative inspiration. As incredible as it sounds, there’s an art to what you do, even if it’s a relatively routine job. Your boss will appreciate your push to improve your work performance, and could reward you with a raise or promotion. Having a hard time thinking positive? Write down some uplifting quotes from people you admire they will give you inspiration.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Offering someone encouragement for their creative work will pay off handsomely. These days, everybody is so competitive that it’s hard to find support for new ideas. The fact that you’re so generous with praise will raise your stature. A rare opportunity to travel or study could be presented to you this week. Work out a way to take advantage of this offer, even if it means resorting to an unconventional arrangement.

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

A female relative could give you the money to finance a cherished dream. A note of thanks is needed. Treat this money as an investment in your future. The more reverently you treat your good fortune, the more it will pay off. A fund raising idea for your favourite charity is definitely worth putting into practice. This is a welcome opportunity to give back the generosity that has been so magnificently bestowed on you.

(Jan 28 - Feb 18)

Your dreamy idealism wins favour with a female neighbour or relative. It’s nice to see you testing the bounds of reality; too many good ideas can’t get off the ground because of cynicism. Attending a party or meeting could put you in the path of romance. You’re especially attracted to a person who is confident enough to express their sentimental side. If you’ve already got a lover, it may be time to offer a token of your esteem.

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