
Scent of a woman

March 7 - 14, 2007

There’s nothing more alluring than the smell of sweet perfume.

It’s amazing how the aroma of a perfume can quantum leap you back to a time and place so vividly.
I recently walked into an elevator, ‘Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden’ had been worn by the individual in the lift before me, and as the lift descended through the floors it made me reminisce about a holiday I was on when I was a teenager wearing the same perfume, so it just goes to show you can never underestimate the power of a scent.
Perfumes smell differently on each individual and this is due to our hormones, body chemistry and also the Ph levels of your skin. For example, dry skin will not hold the scent as long as more oily skin types.
Perfumes are made up of a base note, middle note and top note and each note releases over time; base notes are normally the heaviest of the three scents therefore release last.
When applying perfume to the wrists don’t rub wrists together after spraying as this can alter the smell, the collar bone is a good place to apply but be aware that ingredients in citrus smelling perfumes can cause permanent staining of the skin when exposed to sunlight, so as we live in the sun I suggest spraying your clothes instead.
Remember to check the shelf life of your existing perfumes — they keep longer when kept in their boxes and away from direct sunlight, but I never keep perfumes in their boxes – so discard it if the smell is sour and the perfume looks cloudy.
Now I think I might go and track down some ‘Sunflowers’ perfume, purely for reminiscence sake!

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l Britney Spears, Midnight Fantasy
l Anna Sui, Magic Romance
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