Cover Story

Frank’s remedy for a bee sting

July 18 - 24, 2007

Twenty-five is the maximum number of times Frank has been stung by honeybees at one time.

He advises people to stay calm because according to him the honey bee only stings when it feels threatened.
Frank applies Vicks to a bee sting (a little quirky we admit but Frank swears by it) and after the initial localised swelling for a day or two the stung area is back to normal again.

Humble bee in history
The oldest recorded honeybee found is said to have been encased in petrified amber and nearly unchanged from how it looks 45 million years ago.
This means that the honeybee could go back as far as 200 million years.
The flying pollination machine is one of the few remaining creatures that actually lived during the time of the dinosaurs.
It is believed that honeybees haven’t evolved because God made them perfect.

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