Marie Claire

Kate should have made Wills wait

July 18 - 24, 2007

The last couple of weeks have been full of rumours of Prince William and Kate Middleton getting back together again, with William said to be desperate for her to take him back.

For her part Kate has been playing it cool and is said to have told him she needed some time to make her mind up.
Although the pair was seen kissing at a recent party at his barracks, at public appearances (like the Diana concert) where both have been present, the on-off couple has made it a point to not be seen too close together.
It seems both of them are only too aware that if they get back together formally it will more than likely lead to marriage and Kate wants to be sure she’s doing the right thing.
Fair enough, really. She’s behaved with dignity and decorum through her heart-break and rushing back into his arms just because he clicks his fingers would only undermine the image, not to mention her self-respect.
Now though it seems that in order to give the relationship another chance, she has pulled out of a charity rowing event next month that would have seen her and 16 other women become the first all-female crew to attempt to cross the Channel in a dragon boat for the cot-death charity ‘Babes in Arms’, so that she can spend the summer working on their relationship.
It makes you wonder what the woman whose footsteps she may well be following in would think as other than her two sons, Princess Diana didn’t let anything get in the way of her charity work.
I’m all for not letting anything stand in the way of true love but to pull out of a charity event for a man who dumped her so unceremoniously because he wanted to play the field seems wrong.
A commitment to charity isn’t something to take lightly and if Prince William is so desperate to get her back then you have to assume he could wait another month for it to happen. It’s not as if they wouldn’t be seeing each other in the meantime.
If Kate were to marry William, charity work is inevitably going to be in her future and pulling out of some now isn’t the best way to show her commitment to the cause.

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