Marie Claire

Catherine’s expensive luscious locks

July 18 - 24, 2007
Gulf Weekly Catherine’s expensive luscious locks

Oh to be so rich you have to think of imaginative things to spend your money on!
It’s emerged that Catherine Zeta-Jones’s secret to shiny looking hair is caviar and truffles.

While the rest of us make do with the likes of shampoo and conditioner, CZJ treats herself to Beluga caviar hair treatments, full of omega-3 fatty acids that help repair dry and damaged hair and smooth over split-ends.
Her hair is first washed with a truffle-based shampoo and then coated in the caviar that has been blended into a smooth paste.
The two-hour treatment, which is accompanied by a glass of champagne and canapés, is priced at £200 for the fish eggs alone.
Quite frankly, I don’t have a problem with the amount of money spent – if you have nothing better to do with it, why not?
It’s not as if you can take it with you when you’re gone – but the thought of smearing anything to do with fish all over my hair is really quite repulsive!
There are plenty of other ways of getting shiny hair and CZJ, even with rollers in her hair and a fag hanging out of her mouth, is already 100 times more beautiful than most other women on the planet so why go to such lengths just to make your hair that little bit shinier?
But CZJ isn’t the only celeb recently to be spending silly money these days.
It seems Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has slashed out BD180,000 on a new wardrobe for her home in LALA land. I’m not talking about a whole set of new clothes, I’m talking about an actual wardrobe to put her mountains of clothes in.
The walk-in wardrobe, which boasts a scanning facility that allows her to see 360 degree angle pictures of herself in the her outfits, is rumoured to include a computerised fashion archive system that will allow her to view all of her previous outfits worn at various functions so that at the press of a button she can make sure not to repeat the same ensemble twice.
In all fairness, when you’re making your money from looking good and being stylish, it’s not really such an extravagance but the problem with a wardrobe that cool, when clothing is that important to you, is that it would be hard to drag yourself away from playing dress-up long enough to actually go to any of the functions you’re dressing up for.

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