Marie Claire


July 18 - 24, 2007

Womanspeak is a female-to-male dictionary, aimed at enlightening the male population on what a woman means when she says…

‘It’s your decision’
When a woman tells you it’s your decision she means it … as long as it’s the decision she wants.
The correct decision (the one only she knows) should be obvious and she shouldn’t need to tell you.
Of course, it’s probably a really random decision that no average Joe would even consider but it’s the right decision nonetheless and considering you are expected to be a mind-reader (we’ve been over this before) you should automatically know it’s the right decision.
Making the wrong decision doesn’t mean she won’t go along with it, it just means that she’ll never let you forget it and the next time she says “it’s your decision” she will be testing you to see if you’ve learnt your lesson.
Your best bet is to casually ask her advice, in advance, on a certain situation to gauge her response and then later on when she tells you it’s your decision, chose the response she gave you earlier.

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