Ask Betsy

Ask Betsy

July 18 - 24, 2007

Dear Betsy,
Is there any point in people writing letters to you? If their lives are so bad and they get depressed by minor little irritations then they are really sad people and should just get a life. 

It makes me sick when I read those bleating, moaning, pathetic letters. How can you entertain their trivia?
You are only encouraging people to wallow in their self pity. People like you should mind their own business and leave newspapers to do their real job – reporting the serious news and educating people.
I hope you are not getting paid for the drivel you write each week. Stop interfering and get yourself a life too.
Mr Happy

Dear Mr Happy,
Thank you for your email. I have edited it considerably as this is a family newspaper. I think your letter reveals a lot more about you than you realise.
Read it back to yourself, slowly.
Methinks you doth protest too much.
You can get professional help, it’s not too late. A next step for you would be to follow my advice in this week’s  ‘BETSY SAYS RELAX’ - you have taken the first step by writing to me.
Get it off your chest, get it ALL off your chest.  If you allow such anger to build up without some sort of release, then it will “implode” rather than explode which can be seriously bad for your health.
Anger management techniques can be very successful. Try exercising, relaxation and meditation techniques, have a massage and visit friends more often. (Have you got any?)  My guess is that you are one of those 24/7 news junkies who just can’t switch off from the atrocities that are happening everyday all around the world. 
You probably feel impotent at your inability to help. You feel angered by what you see as other people’s trivial problems when such serious things are going on.
Channel your emotions into doing good where you can, locally, such as volunteering at a charity shop, the BSPCA or other good causes.
 Yes, newspapers need to report the news but they also need to inform and entertain us as this is also “education”. Be assured that your letter has helped others who might also be feeling like a “Mr Happy”.
The irony of your pen-name was not lost on me. Try smiling, REALLY smiling, it releases endorphins, our happy hormones and I promise you will start to feel better.
Get rid of that anger before it takes over your life. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy … lighten up!

Dear Betsy,
I am unable to eat cheese or take milk due to a food intolerance. I am worried about not getting enough calcium in my diet. What other foods can I eat to ensure I get calcium?
Margaret, Dammam

Dear Margaret,
Canned salmon and sardines (eat the bones), spinach, broccoli, soy beans, kale, okra, pak-choi,  and tofu are all good sources of calcium. Surprisingly, sesame seeds are said to have the highest calcium content so sprinkle them on salads and other foods or use tahina sesame spread on bread and crackers. Almond nut butter is another good source.  Vitamin D helps us to readily absorb calcium, so spending a little sensible time in the sun will help.

Hello Betsy,
Just read your page in the GulfWeekly. I sympathise with KM as my niece and I suffered from period pains for years until we married. This particular exercise works. One should pretend one is picking up things from the floor and putting them on a shelf above one’s head.
Panadol didn’t help much. When I was in India, I used to take ‘Baralgan’ but in Bahrain my niece and I take Ponstan (one has to check on the strength of the tablet) and we were able to get to work fine as it helps with the cramps in the abdominal and vaginal muscles, in addition to helping with the pain.
Perhaps you could pass on this advice to KM and hopefully it will help her. The rest of the advice you gave was fine too but one definitely needs the medication.

Dear Annette,
Thanks for taking the time to share your solution with us.  I hope KM is reading this week’s column and finds your advice helpful. Of course, I should just remind our readers that no one should take medication without first checking with their doctor.

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