
Batelco urges contractors

July 18 - 24, 2007

A call has gone out from Batelco for contractors to exercise caution by contacting the company before they dig trenches to lay utilities.

Staff at Batelco Plant Protection office can be contacted on 80001101 to visit sites and locate Batelco underground infrastructure before issuing clearance for excavations to begin.
Batelco’s extensive copper network reaches premises all over the kingdom and additionally fibre cables link exchanges and mobile cells, and connect Bahrain to the outside world. Any damage to this infrastructure may cause disruptions to Batelco’s communications network and impact negatively on residential and business customers.
“We strive to ensure full telecommunications service at all times,” said Batelco corporate affairs general manager Ahmed Al Janahi. “This advice from us is in line with the Works and Housing Ministry’s Code of Practice which included rules and regulations governing excavation works.”
Batelco Access Network Operation and Maintenance department will hold a workshop in the near future for all concerned parties to raise their awareness regarding the issue of safeguarding Batelco’s state-of-the-art infrastructure. The time and venue of the workshop will be advised through personal invitations from Batelco.
“It is paramount that contractors follow the advice from the ministry to avoid negative impact on the country’s economy and loss of services to customers due to service interruptions and cable damage caused by negligence,” added Mr Al Janahi.

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