Krazy Kevin

Krazy Kevin's Kids Klub

July 18 - 24, 2007
Gulf Weekly Krazy Kevin's Kids Klub

A very merry un-birthday… a very merry un-birthday to you.”…  I found myself remembering these words from a song from Alice in Wonderland, when we were at a birthday party last week.

It was Imogen Szecowka’s pre-birthday party.  Because her special day is on August 8 and because lots of people leave for the summer months she decided to have her party in July.
This made me wonder how many other people were also having ‘un-birthday’ celebrations.  Especially ‘cos on my radio breakfast show during the week leading up to school holidays I got lots of requests for upcoming birthday dedications. 
So is it true, does everybody with birthdays in July and August get to have two birthdays?  Instead of being sad that your friends are all away for your birthday you could work it so that you get many more presents; lots from your friends on your ‘un-birthday’ and then more from your family on your actual birthday. Not bad eh?
Anyway we had a great afternoon with Immy and her friends swimming by the pool and of course (you can guess my favourite bit) devouring the birthday cake. 
It was scrumptious!  The only ‘downside’ was that Hannah was introduced to ‘Polly Pocket’ toys and just loved them; she played for hours. 
I have since succumbed to temptation and got her some of her own including her favourite things in the whole world – Polly Pocket Ponies. They are now her favourite play things, and Wendy’s too, as Hannah now happily plays for ages, by herself.
Anyway, we are all looking forward to Immy’s “real” birthday coming up in August.  And Hannah is dying to take her ponies to meet Immy’s ponies.
Talking of kids travelling away for summer; I recently met a lovely lady named Adriana Kostic and had my photo taken with her and the Gulf Air mascot “Gulfy”, (a sort of smiley man-size cuddly aeroplane). 
Adrianna is a Sky Nanny for Gulf Air; she has been flying for three years and became a Sky Nanny about two years ago.
 She gave me the full run down; informing me that every Sky Nanny is trained in in-flight childcare services at Norland College in the UK (internationally recognised as a premier provider of childcare training and education) and says that, “parents can be assured that their children will receive the best care and attention every step of the way”. 
A sky nanny’s job involves helping parents with kids onto aircraft, onboard they can help with organising when and what you want your kids to eat. (Chocolate for this big kid)! 
And after take-off kids are the centre of a Sky Nannies attention, which really helps us parents (and everyone else) enjoy the journey. 
They set up bassinets for little babies, distribute activity packs for older children and also have games for use during flights. They really do, on our recent flight home from holidays Gulf Air loaded Hannah up with toys, puzzles and some very funky coloured sunglasses that fit her much better than me.
Before I go I want to make a quick mention of Martine and Ian who got married on the 7th of the 7th of 2007 (as did a lot of other people because of the auspicious date apparently). 
I DJ-ed and was also roped into being Master of Ceremonies at the last minute (thanks Brian).  The reception was at the Ritz-Carlton and guests had flown in from all around the world. 
Ian is from South Africa and Martine from Ireland. What a mixture of cultures! A band was also flown over from Ireland. There I was, expecting, how can I say it, a “diddly-diddly-dee” band; playing traditional Irish music!  What a shock I got when I met the guys, they were originally from the Caribbean and had moved to Ireland many years before. 
I chatted to Jerry Joseph (the leader). What a lovely guy; so laid back he was practically horizontal. 
I introduced them and they rocked the place with their unique and original style of Reggae and Ska music. 
I came on afterwards and thought I’d play music for maybe a couple of hours, but ended up pleading that “I’ve got to go now” at 2am! 
Although everybody was shouting for more I had to get a couple of hours sleep before starting the radio breakfast show four hours later.
 What a great day and night was had by all. I’d like to wish Marti and Ian all the best for the future and a special mention goes out to the Irish dancers that performed during the dinner. 
(I will tell you more about them next week).
Keep happy
Krazy Kevin x

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