Krazy Kevin

From the desk of Maria B

July 18 - 24, 2007
Gulf Weekly From the desk of Maria B

Hi friends,
It is a fact that most of the people do not start a career out of their liking or choice. If you ask them if they are in the right field, the answers would be negative. 

At the age of career selection, we are generally driven by fascination and not by reason. We want to do something glamorous to earn recognition and fame. The parents, who see the world differently, want us to pursue a career where we have financial security and social status. That is how we end up in doing something for which we have no aptitude.
There is another breed, which change their heart in the middle of the road. While switching from one career to another, they argue that joining a career is not a life sentence. Being in a job that you hate is like being married to someone you can’t stand.
To select the best career is a challenge. The first pre-requisite for making a decision is to know your own priority. Do what you think is best for you and success will automatically follow.
Syeda Maria

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