Letters to editor

Letters to the editor

October 24 - 30, 2007

Dear Stan, I went to The Lost Paradise of Dilmun last week during the Eid break with my family and some friends.


I’d heard that no one was allowed to go on the rides without proper attire which to me meant a swimsuit, in whatever shape or form.


Anyway, both my friend and I wore our swimsuits under our shorts and T-shirts but we were surprised to see that ladies at the park were being allowed on the rides in their regular clothes – so, of course, we felt uncomfortable stripping down to our swimming gear.


Is there a dress code at the water park? If so, could the park enforce it because I for one was not prepared to stick out as the only female in swimming attire?


There would not have been an issue if most women were wearing comfortable and suitable swimming outfits in what is a family water park.


Noura, Bahrain.    




Editor’s note: A spokesman for the park management told GulfWeekly that the clothing policy was flexible to cater for local sensitivities – although some items of clothing were not suitable on certain rides for safety reasons.




Dear Stan,


Can you please add the following items to Shilpa’s shopping list: Dove body wash, Lacnor juice, Lays chips (big packet), Snickers bar, Mars bar, Galaxy Jewels (any size).


Sheena Khan, Bahrain.




Editor’s note: Shilpa will add your items in the coming weeks.




Dear Stan,


I don't understand sub-continent sub-text. For the benefit of the uninitiated, could Maria B spell out the meaning of the last two lines of her piece “From the desk of Maria B” (GulfWeekly – October 17, Pg40) in which she so graciously deemed someone fit to bestow her friendship on?


EW, Budaiya




Maria explains: The last two lines portray that we do get tempted by glamour, though we tend to negate this tendency.




Dear Stan,


Shilpa’s shopping list does not vary from week to week, am I right?


Unless of course, someone asks to add something to the list ... but the rest remains the same, right? It would help resolve a debate in our office!


Leila Rajkumar,


The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bahrain




Editor’s note: Shilpa frequently changes a couple of items although the aim of the exercise is to compare prices of a trolley load of shopping regularly purchased by our readers.





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