Local News


January 16 - 22, 2008

1. Anoop Prakash, 27, administration and finance coordinator from India

At the moment I put about 60 to 70 per cent of my income in a savings account at home.

I can afford to do this because at the moment I am living with my parents and I do not have to cover many expenses like rent, electricity, food and all the other expenses you have to cover when you live on your own.

But this percentage is bound to go down when I live on my own - unless my income increases.

What I do spend is mainly on eating out and going out.

2. Mark Greenwood, 40, regional client manager from UK

I don't send money home. I tend to spend my money on day-to-day living, as well as the odd luxury like holidays and eating out. Paying the rent and running a car are my most expensive outgoings.

3. Jed Niblett, 41, financial dealer from UK

I do send money home to pay the mortgage which the rent of the property doesn't cover and I pay some money into a pension scheme.

But I have two kids which tends to get expensive!

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