
Letters to the editor

January 16 - 22, 2008

Dear Stan,We are regular patrons of La Taverna in the Manama City Centre and last week we - a family of four - had a 'fixed price' lunch. As is often the case, by the time we had worked our way through the starters and main course, we had no room left for the dessert (which incidentally is a hearty helping- we know this on account of previous visits).

We asked the restaurant staff to bag the dessert for later consumption and - now comes the shocker- the staff point blank refused to do this.

We even offered to pay a 'parcel charge. Normally restaurants pack leftover food that has been paid for. In effect what this restaurant is doing is selling the same item/s several times over - is this not contrary to all principles of fair business ethics?

I would like to stress that the issue is not about a few pieces of cake/pies but about a protest at what we perceive as cheating!

The only answer the manager on duty had was, if you don't like this, don't come back.

I hope this is brought to the attention of the management of La Taverna. As for us, I wonder whether we will ever go back there - a pity really, since it does have the most awesome Italian food.

Best Wishes.

P K Rao, Bahrain.

Editor's note: GulfWeekly asked La Taverna to comment but the management declined.

Dear Stan,

Thank you for featuring my experience at the International Achievement Summit in Washington, USA, and the pictures were also a nice addition to the article.

I wish to point out an inaccuracy in the report which stated that I will be working as a banking executive at ABC.

I wish to make clear that I am starting at the entry level in the company and this will be my first job after graduation.

Best wishes,

Khulood Ebrahim, Bahrain.

Editor's note: Apologies - we are happy to clarify this matter.

Dear Stan,

We are delighted to inform you that Bahrain Mobility International has once again been granted permission to hold a three-day golf tournament on His Majesty King Hamad's private golf course in Safriya. The dates for the event are 14th, 15th and 16th February 2008.

The event is in memory of the late Shaikh Faisal bin Hamad Al Khalifa who tragically died in a car accident in 2006. Shaikh Faisal was a strong supporter of Bahrain Mobility International and this fund-raising event is a fitting tribute to him.

Last year's event was a tremendous success with over BD50,000 being raised for Bahrain Mobility International. With those proceeds two buses were purchased and vital repairs were made to the Bahrain Mobility International Centre in Isa Town. Once again, the aim of this year's tournament is to raise valuable funds to improve and add to the facilities of the Bahrain Mobility International Centre.

Last week we received a BD5,000 donation from Projects System Group in support of the golf event.

Yours faithfully

Dreena Rogers M.B.E,


Dear Stan,

This reference to the article "Bahrain going green" by Shilpa Chandran (GulfWeekly - issue 1).

We appreciate the efforts made by a few youngsters in launching an environment campaign.

Apart from cleaning up the beaches we should also be looking with concern at issues such as air pollution caused by industrial activities, the disposal of effluent from factories and helping to recover some of our precious green earth by planting more trees.

We hope more youngsters join the campaign to make this world a better place and urge that the general public, government bodies, businesses and voluntary organisations provide a helping hand to this movement.

Seturam Aspari,


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