Local News

Inspiring youngsters to take up sport

February 6 - 12, 2008

Whenever there is a major sporting event in Bahrain, newspapers report about how great it is for the citizens, how great it is for the economic rise of the kingdom and how it will help the tourism industry as well.

All that is good, but has anyone really focused and evaluated what these sporting events can do for the Bahraini and expatriate youth here?

One event that is extremely close to our hearts is the Formula One.

True, it is one of the most watched and enjoyed car racing sports in the world ... but how, I wonder, can this event encourage the country's young.

For one, it can continue to hammer home the important message that speeding can be fun if put to the test on the race track and not on the roads.

Success on the race track can also prove inspirational.

Two young men I know who always remind me of Bahrain's true potential are Gulf Finance House's Hamad Fardan and Batelco's Adam Salem.

These race aces can motivate others to follow their success on the race tracks.

Another event which inspires a lot of youngsters in Bahrain is the Riffa Views' under-14 tennis tournament. Two youngsters who have raised the Bahraini flag high up in this sport are prodigies Abdulrahman Janahi and Marwa Abdulla.

I believe these youngsters would really greatly benefit and appreciate more sponsors coming forward to enable them to focus on their efforts of achieving more sporting success.

Success breeds success and in return they can inspire more young people to take up sport and get into shape!

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