Local News

Carrefour opens with a smile

October 1 - 7, 2008

HUNDREDS of shoppers flocked to the kingdom's first Carrefour store when it finally opened its doors this week at Bahrain City Centre.

Considered worldwide as the 'hypermarket role model', Carrefour -encompassing 16,600 square metres - is the largest retail anchor store at the Centre and on the island - a recent claim made by rivals Lulu in Riffa.

Carrefour is offering 35,000 products in its new home, which it claims "should reset the standard for one-stop shopping" in the kingdom and is promoting itself with the slogan "lowest prices and so much more".

Senior management at the store kept tight-lipped at the opening although they were full of smiles as they greeted customers through the doors at 10.30am on Monday just in time for the big Eid spending spree.

Shoppers were attracted by an array of special promotions including the chance to 'win your trolley'.

Every hour an announcer calls out one of 42 counters highlighted on a wheel of fortune and the lucky customer at the correct till walks away without having to pay the bill up to BD1,000. The promotion runs until October 5.

Consumer champion Shilpa Chandran joined the queue to get into the store and mingled with the first customers asking for their opinions about the new shopping destination.

Next week Shilpa will be adding Carrefour to her price challenge by including the hypermarket in her popular shopping list feature.

Here's what they said

Hassan Ali, 50, security guard from Budaiya:

There was some difficulty at the entrance to the mall. As for prices, I haven't seen much to comment about. I feel they are normal prices much like other places.

Francis Fernandes, 34, salesperson from Muharraq:

Carrefour is good and is different. In fact, I haven't seen as much variety in mineral water brands as here. Prices are good as well. They are lower than many places in the kingdom. I will definitely come back to shop."

Tracy Aleskafi, 38, housewife from Saar:

I have just come and I think the place is really good. It seems to be a lot cheaper than many other supermarkets. The variety is really good too.

I had visited the Carrefour in Dubai and in fact, this is reason why I wanted to be here to check the Bahrain store out. The fish section has some really special varieties and they are nicely presented too."

Roselle Zuniga, 23, beauty advisor from Gudaibya:

I feel the stocks aren't too much ... it could be as they have just begun today.

The prices I feel are almost the same as compared to prices seen elsewhere."

Anwar Yousef, 40, banker from Riffa:

The place is really good. It looks like it will be one of the best places to shop in Bahrain.

However, with my traveling experience I feel Carrefour will face huge competition with Lulu. In terms of pricing, I feel Lulu is cheaper but in terms of diversity Carrefour has the edge.

Fathima Ahmed, 29, realtor from Buhama:

I have been to various Carrefour hypermarkets across the world like in Paris, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. I feel this store is going to be very useful for shoppers. However, I would like to suggest that the store management introduces bigger sign boards for products.

I would make moving around the aisles easier.

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