Business Weekly

ADIH signs $6 billion deal with major Chinese firm

October 1 - 7, 2008

Abu Dhabi Investment House (ADIH) signed a memorandum of understand (MoU) with major Chinese construction firm, Shanghai Construction (Asia) Co (SCAC).

It is designed to establish a 50-50 joint venture in order to acquire up to 16 real estate projects across China worth $6 billion.

Rashad Y Janahi, managing director, ADIH, said: "This MoU signifies ADIH's commitment to unique and successful projects with major international strategic partners.

"China is the biggest growing economy in the world and it is essential for us to be part of its development and growth, which also fits ADIH strategy.

"We are extremely glad to have partnered with SCAC, a major player in the market where we both will be looking at implementing successful projects for our investors as well as the local community."

Gaven Ching Man Ho, chairman, SCAC said: "Our partnership with ADIH will help implement big ideas into reality. Our expertise in the construction and engineering field and ADIH's expertise in the Investment and finance sectors combined will no question be a major force.

"We are proud to have partnered with ADIH, a reputable and professional investment firm that believes in what it does.

"We are sure the projects in line will definitely assist in providing adequate and safe premises for the growing population of China.'

The signing ceremony took place at the Renaissance Teda Hotel, Tianjin on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum meeting.

It was attended by Mr Janahi, Ali Mahmoud, head of investment and Lim Chin Hock.

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