

October 1 - 7, 2008

The annual Think Pink breast cancer awareness campaign got off to a racing start this year with support from Bahrain's Formula One prospect Hamad Al Fardan ... sporting a sensational pink thobe.

The heart-throb race ace dressed to impress and to support the month-long initiative which aims to help save lives.

Hamad, 21, took time off his busy schedule preparing for an historic debut season in GP2, to tell readers: "This is about making the community unite. The diagnosis of breast cancer has life-changing effects for every member of the family involved - the children, the husband, partners, relatives and friends.

"I'm proud to be a Bahraini and proud to wear pink if it helps raise awareness about this dreadful disease.

"We need to be more aware of it and be more proactive. The people of Bahrain need to stand up together and show as much support to this campaign as possible.

"Cancer can happen to anyone. We need to show our support, not necessarily financially, but emotionally.

"Inshallah, with all the fundraising and campaigning we will be able to help build the best hospitals or supply the best treatments for those suffering from this disease.

"Men should not feel embarrassed and should get checked too. If you find a lump then do get it checked right away. Don't be afraid.

"I am a big supporter of breast cancer awareness and am standing tall for all the men and women out there. At the end of the day, this is for the betterment of our kingdom and I will do anything for Bahrain.

"As an athlete I must do my part in the community and I hope to pave the way for many other athletes to do the same.

"And, if you have cancer, it need not be the end of the world. Early diagnosis is important - all you need is the will and determination to get checked out and then your loved ones will support you 100 per cent.

"Don't let it defeat you. There are many who have survived and pushed on. You need to be a fighter. That is why we have campaigns such as this - to show the world that we will not stop because at the end of the day it could be you, your mother, sister, daughter or even a brother and father."

Hamad is correct. Breast cancer doesn't just affect women as two per cent of the 1.2 million people diagnosed each year are men.

The star called into the GulfWeekly offices just days before heading East to test and race at the start of a whole new sporting adventure.

Hamad Al Fardan recently signed up with one of the championship's top teams - iSport International - who are being backed by Bahrain-based investment bank Gulf Finance House (GFH). The sponsorship deal is believed to be the richest in GP2 history.

The team has officially been entered as Team GFH iSport, and Hamad's inclusion makes him the first-ever Arab driver to compete in GP2, which is the 'feeder sport' to Formula One. The racing championship consists of two series, including the Asian and European calendars.

Hamad's debut run in GP2 Asia will take place at the Shanghai International Circuit between October 17 and 19. It will be held as part of the support programme to this F1 season's Chinese Grand Prix.

The organisers of the Think Pink campaign in Bahrain hope everyone in the kingdom will follow Hamad's example on October 30 and wear pink to work or school - whether it's simply a pink ribbon, the international symbol of breast cancer awareness, or a piece of pink clothing.

Send us a photo of your Think Pink efforts by emailing and we will publish a selection in a GulfWeekly special community feature.

Hamad's amazing pink thobe and ghuttra - which he has signed - will be auctioned to raise money for the campaign.

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