Local News

Young victims of bullying

November 26 - December 2, 2008

Gossip has been the cornerstone of most high schools around Bahrain, as well as the world. Rumours, cat calls and fights are all the ingredients for making growing up a difficult experience for many children.

I have witnessed and experienced my fair share of incidents, and to be frank, it is not a picture-perfect scene when you see students hurt either physically or emotionally.

Last week I was volunteering back at my school's elementary section when I noticed a poor girl sitting all by herself while other kids were throwing things at her.

It is truly sad that this level of bullying can start at such a young age. The bullies were probably too young to fully comprehend what they were doing.

I would not say I was disgusted by their actions, I was more disappointed really. It got me thinking: how and why did they start being so hateful?

Is each generation getting worse or were these children simply copying the actions of older pupils. Our only option as teenagers is to act as positive role models so that future generations realise there is an alternative to nastiness.

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