Business Weekly

Bank unveils new corporate name for a unique identity

November 26 - December 2, 2008

United International Bank (UIB), a Sharia-compliant investment bank headquartered in Bahrain, unveiled its new corporate name - Seera Investment Bank.

This change of name is intended to create a more unique identity for the bank and reflects its growing presence both in the GCC and internationally. The bank felt that it was important to establish a brand platform that will support ambitions to expand further.

Asaad Albanwan, chairman of Seera Board, said: "It gives me immense pleasure to unveil Seera as the new name of our bank which is aimed at creating a more unique brand that would support our ability to further grow in its business undertakings both regionally and internationally.

"The word Seera depicts a person's journey through life in Arabic and can also describe a legacy. We feel this sums up the philosophy of our Bank, which is to look at investing responsibly and to take a long view of investments and the business as a whole."

Emphasising the strong asset value of the new name, Abdulla Janahi, general manager and acting chief executive officer of Seera, said: "This unique name 'Seera' will allow us to build a differentiated brand and define a clear vision for the bank while adhering to the same values and principles which have been the pillars of our growth so far.

"We believe that a strong brand will allow us to build on our relationships with our shareholders and business partners and assist in our ability to deliver innovative investment opportunities."

The new logo displays an open book reflecting the bank's openness and transparency. Each page of the book is shaped like a compass point, imparting a sense of direction and emphasising the clarity of the Bank's overall vision.

Currently entering its third year of operation, Seera has developed a selective yet diverse portfolio that includes significant transactions in the aviation, energy and water treatment sectors.

Its strategy is to invest in established growth sectors in the MENA region as well as the developed markets of Europe, North America and Asia.

In pursuit of this objective, Seera seeks to invest in companies with a global footprint that play a leadership role in a niche market .

The unveiling of the new name coincided with the 15th Annual World Islamic Banking Conference (WIBC), held this week.

Seera is an Innovative Sponsor of the WIBC, which is a premier Islamic banking event that attracts more than a thousand market leaders from over 40 countries.

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