Health Weekly

'I hate this fat' chant seems to be working

November 26 - December 2, 2008

Meet the measurement man, Harjit Kumar, a circuit advisor at the Dream Body Centre which aims to help me transform my flabby body with a little determination and 23 minutes of hard slog.

I've now completed month two and it's been tough going - not only around the circuit but keeping up with my promise of three sessions a week. There have been so many distractions such as a trip to Dubai, entertaining a visiting friend from the UK and numerous other excuses I will not bore you with.

But it's made achieving the number of visits to the pink building in Seef more than a little challenging and just before Harjit whipped out his tape-measure I gave myself a final fling of four days on the trot to vainly catch up on the monthly average attendance score.

The tape-measure never lies and despite my best effort after an inch of belly disappearing in my first month of joining I only recorded a further half an inch reduction. Still, I've dropped from a 45-inch waist to 43-and-a-half inches in just eight weeks and I'm still heading in the right direction.

My sudden late dash has reignited my desire and determination to see this experiment through to the end.

It's also been recorded on my measurement sheet that I've lost an inch off my hips and half an inch off my thighs so there are plenty of reasons to be cheerful.

I'm also feeling better in myself and there is a spring in my step. The walk up the stairs to my office no longer leaves me out of breath and suddenly I have no desire for the frequent snack of biscuits and sweets throughout the day.

The thought of biting into a chocolate bar turns my stomach at the very thought of how much effort it will take to work off the calories.

I've sectioned off the steely grey and bright orange coloured centre into four stages and have set myself little targets during each 30 seconds that I sit, stand, step, row, run, or pedal like the clappers, depending on the demands of the individual obstacles and mighty machines.

I feel like I'm in charge now, the machines are working for me, rather than against me, and my little silent chant of "I hate this fat" seems to be working wonders.

I'm not going to let them beat me and with the encouragement of Harjit and his cheerful colleagues I'm confident I will stay the course.

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