Krazy Kevin

Kids Klub with Bahrain's favourite radio DJ and compere for all special occasions

November 26 - December 2, 2008

Hi everyone! Not long now until my holidays and I simply can't wait! Last Thursday I joked that I was looking forward to getting back to work at the radio on Sunday to have a rest. It was a joke but it also turned out to be pretty much accurate as this weekend has been just crazy - even for me.

Thursday afternoon, straight after the radio I went to Ibn Khuldoon School to film an episode of Music Mania. Whilst there, I met up with Aussie songstress Lisa Morgan (who I now see in a totally different light). She is a music teacher there, and previously I'd only ever seen her away from this kind of work environment. But goodness me, doesn't she keep those kids in line? They sang a few songs from their upcoming school concert, which included a brilliantly funny and funky version of 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'.

The next day was a big one! I went to St. Christopher's School for their annual festive fayre and, as always, what a brilliantly-run day it was, with lots of stalls selling so many different items as well as face painting, henna and scrumptious food stalls.

I DJ'ed and with the help of DJ Ollie got some of the kids up singing and dancing around. We had some great giveaways and it was so good to see the teachers getting involved.

Head teacher Ian Fellows walked past me with perspiration dripping from his brow and I asked what was up. He replied that he'd been in goal on the 'beat the goalie stall' and followed it up with a stint on the 'sponge the teacher' stall. What great fun to get to throw a wet sponge at your teacher and not even get a detention!

Well anyway, a wet sponge would have cooled him down nicely.

Then I looked at my watch and thought: "quick, I've got to leave on to my next engagement".

Off I sped (OK, sauntered in my car) down the road to the rugby club where the Irish Society was holding its annual festival.

People come from all over the Gulf to participate in the Gaelic Games. I got on stage to play some music and bring on some great dancers.

First up were Dolores girls; Inis Ealga, who did some great traditional dances. Then I played some more music and gave away some prizes.

Edel, the president of the Irish Society came over and noticed that it was pretty warm onstage, and gave me a great big green Leprechaun hat which shielded me from the sun somewhat. Then it was the turn of the Victoria Dance girls. They performed some good Irish dances and also an Elvis Presley number where the girls all wore jumpsuits and matching Elvis sunglasses!

I had another look at my watch and it was already nearing 4pm ... and I had yet another place to get to! So I got back in the car and headed down to the Bahrain International Circuit where Ahmed was celebrating his eighth birthday.

I met up with Marion, the party organiser, who had done a few games before I got there and we carried on with the fun. The kids even had turns at driving around the go-kart circuit.

A beautiful cake was brought out and we sang 'happy birthday' and Nadia, Ahmed's mum, said that I had to try the beautiful Moroccan food that was on offer. Mmmm, lots of delicious pastries dripping in honey, cream and syrup. (What diet?)

I eventually said my goodbyes, but still my day wasn't finished; because some of Wendy's friends had organised a surprise late birthday get together for her at Monsoon.

As I was at a loose end my mate invited me to Upstairs Downstairs as his date! (His wife was out with Wendy).

I changed out of my loud shirt and shorts in the car park (luckily it was dark, by then) and arrived by 9pm.

I sat down, started enjoying my meal and then the band was introduced, and it was Deborah Bonham. What an amazing singer! With such a tight, professional band with her she generated so much energy and passion with her singing that it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She thoroughly deserved her standing ovation. It's so fabulous to see such a remarkable talent here on the shores of Bahrain.

I eventually trooped off home to get some sleep because next day was the BSPCA Dog Walk at the charty's new site in Askar.

Wendy, Hannah, her friend Imogen, our dog Sasha and I started off the four kilometre walk literally at the front of the very large crowd of people and dogs ... and we finished at the back. Of course, Sasha has very short legs! But I'm proud to say that we didn't succumb to the temptation to take a short cut (thanks to Immy). However, by the end we wished we had done. We finished the walk with Wendy, Immy and I taking turns to carry Sasha and piggyback Hannah.

But, what an amazing turn out of people and what a great result, with around 6,000 dinars being raised. Well done everybody!

Phew! I'm going to try to take it easy again this week.

Krazy Kevin

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