Your Stars

Your Stars for the week with Russell Grant

January 28 - February 3, 2009

Aquarius Jan 28 - Feb 18 Although you've scored some impressive goals you still feel unfulfilled. Maybe it's because you thought your happiness was predicated on a relationship, job, or lifestyle. Contentment doesn't come from external factors; they come from within. Be kinder to yourself with regard to your daily life. If you don't accomplish everything you set out to do, there's always tomorrow. Focus on living in the "now" and don't build all your hopes on some future event.

PISCES FEB 19 - Mar 20

It feels like you've hit a wall, and no wonder. For the past month or so, you've just been going through the motions of life. Rest, relaxation, and reflection have not been in the equation. It's time to make things better. Getting a change of scenery is critical. Read books and watch movies that inspire you. Take nature walks and listen to soothing music. Turn off your mobile phone and keep away from email. Slowly but surely, you'll regain your zest for life.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

You're getting a little tired of spending all your spare time on friends. It's been a long time since you were able to do exactly as you please. Let this week be the beginning of a new trend. Make time for your favourite pastimes. Tinkering with machinery, anything creative, or playing sports are all things you might like to try. Stop letting others make you feel guilty for not spending time with them. They'll just have to become more independent.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Career frustrations are coming to a head. If you're in a dead end situation, you need to leave. Taking a job that pays less money will require financial sacrifices, but at least you'll be happy. Don't feel pressured to get the perfect position in your desired industry just yet. For now, you need to take stock of your situation. Just being present and paying your bills is sufficient. Slowly but surely, you'll discover what sort of role is going to be best for you.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

It's hard to know what you believe anymore. Having faith in the greater good seems ridiculous in a broken world like this one. Make a list of all the good things in your life. They could be as simple as reading good books or cycling through the countryside or surfing the net. Focusing on uplifting, intellectually energising activities will help you to adopt a more positive outlook toward life and you'll soon be ready to open a brand new chapter of life.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Losing touch with your physical side makes you feel empty and alone. It's time to reconnect with your sensuality. Take time to enjoy good food and drink. Treat yourself to new and stylish clothes. Put a fragrant bouquet of flowers on your desk. Get rid of any drab or depressing artwork. Listen to some inspiring music. Slowly but surely, you'll rekindle the passion that once drove you. If you feel inhibited and shy this would be a good time to talk things through.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

A partnership is becoming too difficult to bear. Disturbing facts could come to light regarding about a workmate, close friend, or lover. If you discover that someone has been lying to you, it's time to put your relationship on hold. This will be painful at first, but at least the separation will help you think clearly. Creative activities like painting, writing, dancing, and playing music will help you heal. It's time to reclaim your individual identity. Follow your heart.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

It's difficult to focus on work right now. Maybe it's because you're so tired of doing the same thing, day after day. You have a love of routine duties and activities that can get you in a rut. Having the courage to switch gears is essential. Adopting a pet, joining a club, or taking more exercise will give you a big boost. If you feel sluggish, you may want to improve your diet. Lean protein, leafy green vegetables, and fresh fruits will increase your energy level.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

If disappointments regarding past relationships are clouding your outlook it's time to turn over a new leaf. Check out your expectations about love. Instead of looking for the perfect partner, just focus on making friends. If you have children, being a parent could be weighing heavily on your shoulders. Instead of focusing on discipline, arrange a fun outing for you and the kids. Control is an illusion. By letting people be themselves, life will get much easier.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Home life feels stifling now. Keeping up with mortgage or rent payments is exhausting. Repairs seem endless and chores never ending. Having fewer financial responsibilities would bring you more freedom. If you're unable to escape your responsibilities, delegate jobs to other members of your household. Children and even teenagers can help fold laundry, set the table, and dust. If you're on your own just take your time and don't worry about it.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Your mind is racing so making decisions is practically impossible. Too many conflicting emotions cloud your thinking. A good way to sort through these thoughts is to put them in writing. Relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga could be helpful, too. It's important to rest and relax because the more rested you are, the easier it will be to focus in your working hours. Don't let it get you down; it's easy to be overloaded in the information age.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Spending won't fill an emotional void. You've always been good at making money. Unfortunately, your earning power has taken a toll on your self esteem. Contrary to what you might think, your loved ones value you for more than just the money you provide. If you decide to work for a reduced income, they'll support you. Staying home to look after children or work on a creative project is also possible. Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams.

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