Ask Betsy

Staying power of lipstick

February 4 - 10, 2009
Gulf Weekly Staying power of lipstick

Dear Betsy, Please tell me how to get my lipstick to stay on for more than five minutes. I also have a bigger lower lip than upperlip making my mouth look unbalanced. What do you suggest?


Dear Carrie,

There are lots of lipsticks out there with 'staying power' however many of them can be quite drying on the lips. Check out L'Oreal and Maybelline long lasting lip colours that come with a separate moisture stick that you apply on top of the colour to moisturise.

As with most things, correct preparation is important before applying lipstick. You can exfoliate your lips by smearing them with a slick of Vaseline and gently rubbing over them with a soft toothbrush. This can be done once a week, but be gentle as the skin on your lips is the thinnest on the body.

If you are wearing foundation, then some make-up artists recommend you apply a fine layer to your lips to act as a base.

The choice of colour does not have to depend on matching up with your outfit. It is much more important that the colour enhances your skin, eyes and hair tones. If you want to balance out your upper and lower lips then applying the same shade, one or two tones darker to the bottom lip, will help create the illusion of size balance. Also applying a shimmer of clear lip gloss over your lipstick on your top lip only, will also help this balance. Many people equate a symmetrical face with beauty, but personally I don't feel this is the case, it is much better to be an individual.

Now, back to the application technique for staying power. First of all, lightly powder your lips with a translucent powder, going beyond the lipline.

In your case Carrie, I would recommend using a neutral coloured lipliner pencil. Apply it just inside your natural lipline on your lower lips and just outside your natural lipline on your upper lips.

Using a lip brush is a must for a professional look, so apply a thin coat of lip colour on both lips. Following the lines you have drawn and filling in the lips with colour.

Now take a tissue and peel it away until you have just one of the fine layers, as this will be more absorbent.

Blot your lips with the tissue. Now dust another fine layer of translucent powder over your lips, reapply the lip colour using the brush and finish off with a touch of clear lip gloss on the top lip only, concentrating on the centre of your lip, to create an illusion of balance.

You can find paint-on products that claim to seal your lip colour but, honestly, I find that after a while they start to separate from the lip colour resulting in a mouthful of dried out lumpy lipstick and with Valentine's day just around the corner, you might want to avoid this Carrie.

Dear Betsy,

I hate Valentine's day and its nearly here again. I am a single girl and I just get so sick of all the lovey dovey trash that's around now.

Why does everyone ask where you are going for Valentine's dinner? They make me feel such a failure for not having a date and so I feel inadequate and unloved. Is that fair? I blame the media and the marketing companies. Why do we all have to conform to their ideals? Is there no-one else out there who is sane anymore?


Dear Helen,

Oops! Sorry, I have already mentioned Valentine's day in my reply to Carrie this week. I never really thought about it that way until I read your letter but yes, I understand your points.

Unfortunately, we live in a rampant consumer orientated world, or at least that's what the marketing gurus would have us believe and yes, I can see where you might end up feeling unloved and inadequate. However, being single is not a bad thing. (just ask your married friends!). Rejoice in it and spoil yourself a little.

Stay at home, cook yourself something yummy, rent your favourite comedy movie, have a bubble bath, plan your next vacation, congratulate yourself on being you and above all make sure you listen to Whitney Houston singing, The Greatest Love of All. Listen to it over and over again Helen.

It's an unashamedly sentimental song which explains the importance of falling in love and enjoying the greatest love of all ... learning to love yourself. I have a feeling that once you do this, you won't find yourself alone on Valentine's day next year, unless that's really what you want and my psychic powers are telling me that the opposite is true.

What we deserve and what we actually end up with in life are two entirely different things Helen.

Happiness isn't about to fall into your lap. You need to go out there and grab it with both hands, but first of all you need to define happiness to yourself. Do you know what really makes you happy?

For me, it's got be spending time with people who make me laugh and who allow me the freedom to be the real me, accepting and forgiving my foibles. You guys know who you are (both of you!).

To all you loved up romantics out there, lay off the Helens of our world and show some sensitivity and invite her to join you for dinner

To the marketing men, how about creating a 'celebrate being single day'?

Me? I will be busy writing my next column on Saturday the 14th, single, happy and hopelessly in love ... with myself. Thanks Whitney. Now where's that chocolate?


Get out there in the spring sunshine. We all need some of that glorious vitamin D and fresh air. A brisk walk will work wonders on your body and it helps clear your mind for the madness ahead. Try smiling at everyone you encounter and watch the scowls of strangers melt into friendly smiles.

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