Your Stars

Your Stars for the week with Russell Grant

August 12 - 18, 2009

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Usually you're very decisive, but that won't be the case this week. There are just too many options to consider. Ultimately, it's better to make the wrong decision than to remain paralysed. Don't let an authority figure intimidate you. They may have the power to fire you, but if they know what's good for them they'll hang onto you. Keep this in mind if any threats are issued. A happy surprise regarding your family prompts you to make some exciting plans.




Taurus (Apr21/May21) Clutter could be accumulating at an alarming rate. You've always been something of a pack rat. Unfortunately, all this junk is starting to undermine your productivity. Take a few hours to sort things out, and be ruthless about throwing stuff away. Anything you need can be filed neatly away. Positive feedback about a creative project prompts you to branch out into another medium. Your new hobby will put you in contact with lots of interesting people. One might even be willing to promote your work.




Gemini (May22/Jun21) A new job gives you more money for luxuries.

Although you're not especially materialistic, it's nice to be able to afford the finer things in life. Treat yourself to some new sound system, computer, or television. Dealing with a youngster could be tricky. They could challenge your authority at every turn. Resist the urge to buy their affections. This kid wants your time, not your presents. Keep things light in the romance department. It's not time to discuss a serious commitment.




Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You attract admirers from every corner. If you want to embark on a romance, this is the week to make your move. All you need to do is throw some come hither glances at the object of your affection. You could encounter some problems trying to buy or sell a home. Don't make any firm decisions until next month, no matter how tempting it is to seal a deal. An overbearing business partner will try to undermine your confidence. Make sure you stand up for yourself.




Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Messages, packages, and mail have a way of going astray. If you need to send something important, do it in a way that can be tracked. Be sure to take out insurance on any valuables, or you could lose a considerable amount of money. Money from an insurance policy or legacy could be unexpectedly awarded to you. Keep this fund a secret, or the vultures could swoop in to claim it. You're long overdue for a trip. Consider a vacation to a glittering glamorous seaside resort.




Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Discussions about money won't go down too well.

Everybody is hurting for cash. Although you may deserve it, your boss isn't able to give you a raise. If you're looking for work, there may not be any jobs available. You've got to formulate an alternate plan for meeting your bills. Be as frugal as possible in your purchases. Sharing resources with a friend can also be helpful. Fortunately, a loved one seems to be doing well in the income department, and may be willing to help you.




Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You may have to go back on your word, which is really bad news for you. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond your control will force you to cancel a project or miss a deadline. A relative will be very disappointed with you. It will take some time to regain their trust. Fortunately, a wonderful turn of events regarding your career is coming. This new job will help you to make money from your creative talent. It will also keep you closer to home.




Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Betraying someone's confidence is no joke. You hold private information as sacred. Unfortunately, it may be necessary to turn the spotlight on a person's bad behaviour for their own good. This is especially true if innocent victims are involved. Love could make its way into your life in an unusual way. There will be lots of intellectual compatibility here, as well as a shared love of music. This relationship may be difficult for someone younger though.




Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A friend could have some unpleasant news for you. Listen to what they have to say before you make any snap decisions. As a person who values honesty, you have to admit the importance of having truthful people around you. An intense physical relationship gives you a softer outlook on the world. It may be time to forgive a relative who caused problems for you as a youngster. Someone may try to control you by using money as a tool or weapon.




Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You could get a very good deal on electronic equipment. Take this opportunity to update your home entertainment system. Getting a new computer is also a good plan. If a loved one offers to buy you a gadget, take them up on it. Being more receptive to kindness will only improve your relationship. Your boss may be overly critical this week. It's possible you're being used as a scapegoat. Don't worry; people know exactly who is responsible for all the mistakes.




Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) An exciting money making opportunity lands in your lap. This is your big chance to earn a living through your creative work. In a few months, you could even launch your own business. Don't let your fears dictate your choices. If you're going to reach your full potential, you need to expand your horizons. Going back to school or taking a trip abroad will be challenging but fun. Venturing out of your comfort zone is a great way to become more versatile.




Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A good time to start thinking of building a family. If you have different ideas you should resist the temptation to go on a shopping spree. Racking up lots of debt is a huge mistake. You don't want to gamble your financial security away for the sake of a momentary materialistic, acquisitive buzz. Friends may put pressure on you to break off a romance. Something about your partner worries them. There's an important choice to be made.

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