Film Weekly

Crashes and burns

September 16 - 22, 2009

This film is a supernatural thriller that is about as gripping as watching paint dry and as predictable as a sunny day in Bahrain.

Claire is a grief counsellor who is hired to conduct therapy sessions with a handful of traumatised survivors from a plane crash that left more than 100 dead. When the sessions begin her patients recall the events leading to the crash differently.

Suddenly all of the plane crash survivors start disappearing one-by-one, while eerily happy survivor, Eric, pursues his new shrink enthusiastically. He has a strangely ironic ability to read her mind.

Even Claire's kindly neighbour, is weirdly aggressive in promoting Claire's possible romance with Eric.

Claire soon begins to suspect that something is wrong and starts investigating, to an airline official's embarrassment, a patient's belief that the crash wasn't caused by the pilot but by a covered-up explosion.

There's also a bizarre sub-plot involving Claire's estranged sister Emma and another involving survivor Shannon who has her own story, these factors attempt to give the film a human quality, but just make the film unnecessarily complicated and slightly cluttered.

The chemistry between the actors as practically non existent, which does nothing to encourage audiences to watch the film with great concentration, which is a shame as you may miss a seemingly irrelevant detail that is actually of great importance.

Sadly, the film fails to grab your attention because the plot details feel familiar. Despite already predicting the ending, the last 15 minutes blindsided me. It is not what happens, that is interesting, but how it happens.

It is difficult to describe this movie without giving too many key details away, but in my opinion, it's about coming-to-terms with things that can't be changed and learning to value all the difficult relationships we have in our lives.

Credit where it is due, you can see what the filmmakers were trying to achieve, but like the plane, this film takes a nose dive shortly after take off. Showing in:_Seef I

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