
Add some more yardage to game

September 23 - 29, 2009

Most golf tips rendered today by experts concern driving. These tips are to guide players in hitting the ball further than they normally do.

The first and the most important step in driving is to set it up like any other swing shot. Driving could make or break the hole.

The five simple but effective tips for driving are as follows:

1. Proper set up: Set up the swing properly. Driving should be done using a wood or a driving iron due to their length. The length gives you two distinct advantages - you can increase the distance of your stance from the ball and you can spread your feet wider to get a better balance and weight transfer. This will enable you to get a short and wide swing giving you control and power in the right proportions.

2. Understand the sequence of motion: Sequence of setting up, swinging and driving with the correct weight transfer is a major factor. Although a little difficult for the beginners, they should keep it in mind and keep their drives in the sequence, so that they can develop their game on these fundamentals.

3. Let the power build then release at impact: Power should build with your swing. Always release the power along with the impact with the ball. Keep the swing short, the longer the swing, the lesser the control. Most beginning golfers tend to think otherwise in the attempt to hit the ball farthest. A short and wide swing will give you the most powerful and controlled shot compared to the long and narrow one.

4. Swing within yourself so you maintain balance: Never swing too far back or too short. Stay within yourself, to keep it in control. Distribute your weight evenly from heel to toe and stay balanced. Maintain good posture, a straight spine and upright chin. This will not only help in your drives but also to avoid injuries.

5. Imagine the ball in the middle of the fairway: Use a correct wrist hinge and full body turn to get the maximum from your swing. This will give you more consistent driving skills.

In addition to the above, maintaining fitness of your body is a major factor to gain yards on the swing. Certain exercises are said to add almost 30-odd yards to the drive.

Come and talk to Nathan Williams, our country club manager and fitness trainer, for further information.

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