Business Weekly

BFX unveils initiatives to meet needs of users

October 14 - 20, 2009

Bahrain Financial Exchange (BFX), the first multi-asset exchange in the Middle East and North Africa, to be launched in the first quarter next year, has announced the establishment of its product development working groups (PDWGs) for Islamic and conventional asset classes.

This initiative is part of the BFX strategy which ensures that its products meet the needs of its users whilst adding value, and is part of a process to ensure that BFX remains market driven.

Two distinct PDWGs have been launched: a PDWG Conventional and a PDWG Islamic.

The Conventional working group has a cross section of representatives with a high degree of expertise from the financial services industry in the GCC region.

Similarly the Islamic working group has been selected with a focus on satisfying the specific market requirements of this dynamic industry.

Arshad Khan, BFX board director, said: "These groups consist of experts drawn with the relevant background to ensure a robust process of product development and continual improvement in the BFX products which will ultimately result in greater participation and increased liquidity."

He added: "The PDWGs' primary function is to provide input, guidance and feedback on the requirements of market participants in the development of products and the suitability of these products, in satisfying that demand."

This achievement of the BFX underscores its commitment to the market for developing products which are in line with market requirement and its users.

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