Health Weekly


March 10 - 16, 2010

IT'S hot, it's humid, but you really don't want to miss out on the race and the weekend's events.

Here's how you can stay healthy during this year's F1 activities:

Water is the best thing to drink before, after, and during the event. Make sure to carry a bottle of water around at all times. And remember to drink before you get thirsty.

Avoid drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks) as they dehydrate the body further. The first signs of dehydration are headaches, dry mouth and fatigue.

Don't go to the event on an empty stomach. Make sure you've had a healthy meal in the morning before you leave.

This will help keep your energy levels sustained.

During the event, you will need a lot of 'energy boosters' to keep you going longer. Chocolates and energy drinks are not recommended because they give a short-lived sugar high and then a quick slump.

Here are some examples of 'quick and healthy' energy snacks that you can take with you: Fruit & nut cereal bars, raisins, nuts and seeds, fruits or fruit smoothies, wholegrain crackers or rice crackers, jam or honey sandwiches (on brown bread).

For more tips, go to my blog at or sign up on my website at

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