Business Weekly

Alba expected to exceed growth targets

September 8 - 14, 2010

Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has revealed a $200 million profit in the first half of the year, which exceeds the approved budget for this period.

Its board of directors has expressed confidence that the company will meet, and potentially exceed, current growth targets set for the year 'through the efforts of all Alba employees and the teamwork among them'.

Board chairman Mahmood Hashim Al Kooheji, left, said: "Alba remains determined to strengthen its leadership in the regional and global markets and is proud of its status as a flagship asset contributing to the Bahrain economy.

"We emphasise our commitment to growth remains strong as we continue to examine various strategic options that will enable Alba to deliver results to its key stakeholders, shareholders, the people of Bahrain and its employees.

"As we are heading towards converting Alba into a public joint stock company, we are confident that it will enable the company to study the available options in order to benefit from the opportunities in the local, regional and international markets."

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