
Get equipment that suits you to 'play your best'

September 15 - 21, 2010

This week the Royal Golf Club's Head Professional, Chris Kelby, gives tips on getting set for success

WHAT is the first thing that we blame when we hit a bad shot? Ourselves? The ball? No, they would be a lot further down the list!

The first thing that we tend to blame as golfers is our equipment. It's always the club's fault, not the fact that we made a terrible swing, took on the wrong shot or were aiming in the wrong direction ... it is obviously down to the club!

The fact that the same club hit a great shot on the previous hole doesn't come in to it.

Most people would say that a 'bad workman blames his tools' and the majority of the time that is certainly the case.

However, there is an element of truth behind the excuse. Playing with the right equipment that suits you, your build and many other factors can certainly have a huge effect on your potential to hit good golf shots and shoot lower scores.

Now, let me clear something up before I go on. If you hit a bad shot with the clubs that you've had in the bag for months, even if they don't suit you, you still can't blame them - you bought them!

The only person to blame for a bad shot out on the course is you! And, the only cure for this is to go and see your professional and have some lessons to help improve your technique.

But, you can help yourself immediately by getting your equipment custom fitted to you. We are all different; so why would you go into a golf shop and buy a 'standard' set of clubs off the shelf?

I liken it to buying a car; first of all you pick the model that you like the look of but you wouldn't dream of buying it until you've taken it for a test drive. So, you book an appointment to take the car out, and the first thing that you do when you get in is 'custom fit' the car to your comfort by adjusting the seat, the mirrors etc. Now the car is ready to be driven by you and nobody else.

The same is true for your golf clubs. Custom fitting is not a new idea. The idea has been around for nearly 40 years, but it is only recently that the majority of equipment brands have really got involved to the extent that we see today.

Equipment technology is forever evolving and sometimes it is difficult to keep up. With so many head designs, shaft options and grips available to us, the only way to make sure you have the set that is going to help you improve is to have them fitted by your professional.

Today, custom fitting services have evolved greatly from those early days and are widely available from most of the top brands.

All equipment; putters, woods and irons can be tailored to suit you, but the benefits still remain the same: lower scores and more enjoyment. Awareness of the benefits of custom fitting continues to grow.

One of the pioneers when it comes to custom fitting is the Ping golf company, whose tag line for the past 40 years to this day, is 'play your best'.

What does 'play your best' mean to you? Breaking 100, setting the course record, getting over water, or simply reduce your handicap?

In order to 'play your best', you need equipment that suits you and your game to help you do it.

Don't hold yourself back or let your game suffer any longer; don't blame your clubs anymore; help yourself and your scores by booking in for a custom-fitting appointment as soon as you can and see your game improve.

Play your best this season!

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