Health Weekly

Start the year with some good karma

January 5 -11, 2011

DREAMBODY Centre and Zen-Do Bahrain aim to help new members to kick-start a healthy new year with good karma too.

Suhail Algosaibi, founder of the 23-minute weight-loss centre and owner of the kickboxing club, will throughout January give away BD10 to charity for every person that joins up. The money will be donated to the Be Free Child Anti-Abuse and Neglect programme.

"I'm sure we've all made our New Year's resolutions," he said. "Some of us want to get in shape and be fit, some of us want to learn a new skill, some of us want to eat healthier and get sick less, and some of us want to do more for charity and so on. But most of us wish we could do all that. Here's to killing two birds with one stone. Or in this case, four birds!"

Members will have the chance to lose weight, feel better, look better, learn valuable self-defence skills, impress their friends and reduce the risk of long-term diseases by joining, at the same time as helping prevent more cases of child abuse and neglect in Bahrain.

"Child abuse and neglect is a very real problem - both abroad and in Bahrain. According to some studies, at least two out of every 10 girls and at least one out of every 10 boys get molested," said Suhail, who is passionate about the subject. "The Be Free Charity is on the forefront in the battle against child abuse. You can help too - absolutely free.

"We all need to do our part to give back to society. With this offer, you benefit, I benefit, but more importantly the children will benefit from your (free) donation."

For more information, call Zen-Do Bahrain on 17611909, or DreamBody Centre on 17613352.

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