Local News

Bahrain is qualified for laughter

February 2 - 8, 2011

THE co-ordinator of KCA Laughter Club K M Thomas, who underwent one week training at laughter yoga teacher training in Bengaluru in India, has qualified to become the first certified 'laughter yoga' teacher in Bahrain.

The sessions were conducted by its founder Dr Madan Kataria for 25 laughter leaders from around the globe.

Mr Thomas, has been organising laughter yoga sessions at gatherings of Toastmasters, Bahrain Meet-up Group and leadership training sessions was said to be 'delighted' at being fully qualified. The World Beat Laughter Club was started in Janabiya last November.

A certified teacher is authorised to train leaders, start more clubs and 'add more laughter' to society. Laughter Yoga is a revolutionary, complete well-being workout. The concept is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter and practitioners get the same physiological and psychological benefits.

While laughter sessions are held on every second and fourth Monday at 8pm every month in KCA Laughter Club, it is held on second and fourth Saturdays at 4.30 pm in World Beat Laughter Club.

For more information, contact Mr Thomas by emailing keyem21@gmail.com or calling 39867041.

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