Youth Talk

The value of work experience

October 17 - 23, 2012

For the past several months, I have sat down by my computer every Saturday evening, whether at a coffee shop or in the comfort of my own room, and thought about what I want to convey in this column.

I have written about literature, the value of creativity in schools, the history of Bahrain and what it feels like to be in the middle of a religious holiday as an expatriate teenager. And I would not have been able to talk about any of these things without the opportunity that was presented to me all those months ago.

With university applications coming up, and the future, whatever it may be, looming over our heads, I realise that there are so many things you can spend your time doing in order to better yourself.

Work experience is vital if you want to go into a specific field. I myself was given the chance to pursue something that I hope to continue in my adult life: writing. Without this opportunity to better my writing abilities and produce work that can be criticised by those around me, it would have been significantly more difficult to cement my desired career path in my mind.

So, with that, I would like to sign off and thank everyone who made this opportunity possible – it has been a truly enriching experience.


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