Film Weekly

Old franchises Die Hard for Bruce Willis fans

October 17 - 23, 2012
Gulf Weekly Old franchises Die Hard for Bruce Willis fans

Die hard fans of the iconic Bruce Willis action franchise have not been shy to voice their opinions of the recently released trailer for the 5th film in the series.

While it has earned some breathless anticipation from action fans eager to see Bruce Willis blow things up again, others have had a more mixed reaction.

Chris Burns of Slash Gear spoke highly of the trailer, and although the film will feature some lesser-known actors alongside Bruce Willis, ‘what’s important here is that there’s explosions – lots of explosions’.

However, his optimism was met with a hefty dose of cynisism from Dan Silver of who described the ageing franchise as ‘having had so much work done to it that 1988’s taut, straightforward, hardcore cat-and-mouse action thriller would gasp in horror if it ever saw what it would become in 2013’.

The film, entitled A Good Day To Die Hard takes place in Russia and this time protagonist McClane is joined by his son, played by Jai Courtney.

The film is set for release on Valentine’s Day 2013.

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