
The Whisperer

October 31 - November 6, 2012
Gulf Weekly The Whisperer

The Whisperer was enjoying a relaxing Americano at a coffee house opposite a school in Saar, trying to stretch his mind by solving the ‘Just so’ puzzles on the Eruditely Esquires page of GulfWeekly, when two young boys sped off in the direction of Waitrose.

They returned to the table opposite and each started spraying candy into their mouths. Gone are the days of the gobstopper, he thought, everything has gotten so easy for kids nowadays that they no longer have to suck or chew, they simply spray.

Apparently the children can’t get enough of Warheads, ‘a super sour spray candy’, which according to the container is full of artificially-flavoured apple. He confiscated it off one of the boys (the son of a friend whose teeth the Whisperer felt obliged to save). It is a product of the US and specially packed for VM & Bros in Bahrain. So popular is the sweet that enterprising schoolchildren at one senior school are selling supplies in the playground for an inflated price instead of cigarettes as it’s a more profitable exercise.

Also, one expat family from Bahrain sent their old neighbours in the kingdom an SOS for boxes of the sweets because their son was so miserable since they had returned back home to Ireland. He wasn’t missing his old friends … he was missing his Warheads!

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