Golf Scene

Sibling success!

May 22 - 28, 2013
Gulf Weekly Sibling success!

Teenage brother and sister Derrek and Deanna Ngo, representing their native Singapore, narrowly clinched victory in the Mercedes-Benz World Cup of Golf tournament at the Royal Golf Club with a nett score of 67.

Competitors paired up to represent countries from across the globe in the prestigious betterball medal tournament.

The UK team of Richard Whitby and Pete Donkin finished in second place with a nett score of 68 while the Northern Irish duo of Sara and Peter Thompson made up the top three with a nett 67.

More than 100 players took part in the annual tournament, which was sponsored by Mercedes-Benz dealers Al Haddad Motors. All competitors were given a Mercedes shirt and Mercedes golf balls before the event and were treated to a lunch and prize-giving ceremony in the club’s Members’ Lounge at the conclusion of play.

A Mercedes-Benz A-Class was on offer as a hole-in-one prize on the second hole but sadly it went unclaimed.

Graeme Newport, general manager of Al Haddad Motors, thanked everyone for their attendance as well as acknowledged beverage sponsor African & Eastern and shirt supplier Crestlink’s roles in the event’s success. 

“This is the first golf day Mercedes have sponsored at the club and it was a great success, despite the windy conditions. All the players thoroughly enjoyed the day,” said John Wilson, the Royal Golf Club’s golf sales & events manager.

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