
A fondness for Christmas

December 25 - 31, 2013

First and foremost: A Merry Christmas to you all.

It may surprise you all to know that Christmas is actually this cynic’s favourite time of year. Yes, I am aware that such sentiment and joy is completely out of character for me.

And no, my fondness of this season has nothing to do with the presents or the food, and only a little to do with the weeks off of school for our carefully and ironically named ‘Winter Break’.

During Christmas time in Bahrain, we may not be shrouded by snow or bombarded with decorations on every street corner and December 25th may just be an average working day for most.

Yet, for me, Christmas is the atmosphere created in each individual home with their varying esotericisms, jargon and traditions. Some unwrap presents in the morning, some just wait till midnight.

There are also the predictable Christmas cracker jokes and sleepy-eyed parents as well as the ever-so-unpredictable results of those attempting to cook a Christmas dinner. Add to that the humble glow of fairy lights and candles, the beauty of the Christmas tree and its ornaments, which are also closely and dangerously admired by the felines of the house.

What’s not to love? Because, for me, at Christmas time, the dust not only settles, but it also sparkles a little.

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