
Youth Talk

March 5 - 11, 2014

Procrastination is a student’s best friend and productivity is our most elusive acquaintance. My peers and I are at that point where we have received offers from one or perhaps more universities, some of us have even seen the campuses, spoken to our possible future lecturers, as well as our possible future peers.

After such a concentrated focus and effort towards university it’s difficult to snap back into real life, as we have a foot in both worlds.

The time between now and university life is profoundly miniscule. Yet, in that amount of time we will encounter countless personal and educational hurdles: essays, equations, exams, all-nighters, coursework, mark schemes, mocks, revision, packing, planning, accommodation, socialising and finally, saying goodbye.

It’s baffling to think of all we will achieve in the following few months. Although achieving all those things seems near impossible as we are all living in our alternate worlds of university life and therefore losing the capacity to effectively work.

The thought that keeps passing through my mind is ‘Universities want me, I could be there right now instead of doing this’. However, as much as we want to sit around and day dream about university all day, we should be using our day dreams as motivation.

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