Health Weekly

Cost effective check-up

April 2 - 8, 2014
Gulf Weekly Cost effective check-up

A leading private health centre in Bahrain is  offering a unique, affordable health check-upservice to ensure potential silent killer diseases are picked up and dealt withpromptly.

The community initiative staged by Al-Hilal Multi-specialtyMedical Centre in Riffa has been specially designed to include body massindicators, blood pressure tests and to check for the early stages of diabetes,high cholesterol, as well as liver and kidney diseases.

An instant medical report and lifestyle counselling are alsoincluded in the ‘cost effective’ BD5 package of services.

“Today’s hectic lifestyle and cost factor have made itdifficult for many people to pay attention to their healthcare needs,” anAl-Hilal spokesman said. “Health should be at the top of all priorities and weat Al-Hilal urge people to show it the importance it deserves.

“This is an excellent opportunity to keep a check on yourhealth so as to detect any ailment at the earliest stage.

“Each and  everyperson who has this checkup will know about their general health status whichwill  help in taking  early steps to control and prevent anyabnormal conditions  from furthercomplications.

“Due to the current lifestyle of fast food habits andgrowing stress, health is often neglected. Early detection is the best way forthe prevention of any future complications.

“We believe that this exercise would present an opportunityto know the status of the people’s health, thus helping us in our fight againstglobal health problems.

“Generally check-ups are conducted in a simple way with ablood pressure, blood sugar check and a simple doctor consultation, but thesealone cannot figure out a patient’s health status.”

With growing concerns about the number of people suffering fromproblems which are termed ‘silent killer diseases’, screening tests are thebest way to detect the presence of undiagnosed conditions.

The tests aim to provide a comprehensive overview of anindividual’s health. However, more specific tests may be required in the caseof abnormal findings. Additional benefits will be available on furtherinvestigations and treatments, the centre promises.

The BD5 check-up offer ends on April 15 and is available alldays, including Fridays, at Al-Hilal Multispecialty Medical Centre Riffa. Therewill be a free consultation by a general physician to review the report.

For more information contact Al-Hilal Multi-speciaty MedicalCentre Riffa on 17495555.

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