Local News

Bulging bags of kindness!

July 1- 7, 2015
Gulf Weekly Bulging bags of kindness!

READERS have rallied round with donations of piles of useful clothes which will help desperate Syrian families living in makeshift camps in countries surrounding their war-torn homeland.

The generosity of people in the kingdom has touched the hearts of the organisers of the GulfWeekly & DHL Express Ramadan Appeal 2015 as a steady stream of shirts, shorts, jumpers, underwear, socks and footwear has arrived at the Bahrain Rugby Football Club to fill up special containers.

Deputy Editor Gopal Nambiar celebrated his 53rd birthday on Saturday by joining the rest of the GulfWeekly team in dropping off supplies. “We’re lucky to be enjoying life in a wonderful country and on a day of receiving gifts and cakes it’s good to give something back,” he explained.

“I’m sure I’m not the only one with cupboards and wardrobes full of good, clean clothes I no longer wear and, as for my sons, they grow up so fast. It’s good to know that a few little refugee children will be kept warm and comfortable as a result of us all caring about their well-being.”

As reported last week, pupils at St Christopher’s School Kindness Club have filled small boxes full of useful items to help children trying to continue their education in temporary classrooms set up in camps and surrounding areas and their efforts have inspired other youngsters living on the island to get in on the act.

DHL Express will deliver the donated items to refugee families at the end of Ramadan where the desperate, displaced people of Syria have gathered.

Many have sought sanctuary in neighbouring Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. António  Guterres, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, last week made an impassionate plea for people to help refugees restore their lives. “We must not fail,” he said. “These people rely on us for their survival and hope. They will remember what we do.”

More people fled last year than at any other time, according to the organisation’s records. Around the world, millions have been displaced by conflict and persecution. Nearly 20 million of them are refugees, and more than half are children.

Readers are being urged to continue filling large containers with clothes and school equipment placed along the corridor leading to the indoor sports hall located inside the Bahrain Rugby Football Club in Janabiya.

Posters highlighting the appeal have been placed at the entrance and exit urging members to be generous and appeal supporters can also drop off their donations at the reception desk.

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