Local News

Morag from Manama

July 1- 7, 2015

Since moving to Bahrain, a strange phenomenon has occurred. Our families’ waistlines have expanded, including the dogs!

It’s no surprise and I know exactly how this expansion happened, I must confess my sins.

My addiction to traditional Bahraini breakfast was instant and my search for the best on the island soon became a mission. I just can’t resist the fresh, hot-from-the-oven Arabic bread, fava beans, foul, creamy egg with tomato, balaleet and nakhi. Breakfast for two persons easily feeds four and we all know its rude not to clear your plate!
From breakfast to lunch and one must do lunch, it’s sociable after all. When finding your feet in a new country and forming friendships along the way, meeting for lunch seems a good idea. You eagerly accept all invitations to build your social network whilst back in the villa the ironing pile is being done for you, so no need to worry about the household chores.

The biggest indulgence after munching through a week of breakfasts and lunches has to be Friday Brunch.

There seems to always be a reason to go to brunch here in Bahrain, birthdays, anniversaries, farewells, entertaining visitors and endless social soirees. Free flowing drinks to top up my calories consumed, stretched out over four hours without giving my cholesterol a single thought.

Finally, I confess to having several food delivery numbers on my telephone favourites’ list. Every type of food imaginable can be delivered straight to your door with the touch of a button in no time at all. It has to stop!

My plan of action is the summer detox and I hope to return with my reduced waistline. Watch this space...

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