
Youth Talk

May 2 - 8, 2018

Do you look for the approval of others often? Do you find it hard to say no? Do you often have to work around your schedule to accommodate that of others? Do you end up placing your priorities last?

The happiness of ‘people pleasers’ depends on the approval and praise of others. Their fear of rejection or criticism makes them become bigger pushovers and eventually allows friends and acquaintances to take them for granted. This, obviously, can lead to resentment towards the same people later on. A tiniest comment could trigger a tipping point.

It is important to understand that there is a very fine line between being considerate and being a people pleaser. On one hand, careful contemplation of people’s opinions can lead you to find your mistakes faster, nudging you towards a path of self-growth and development. But, when their approval means more to you than the happiness of completing a task, then you should be a tad bit worried.

It is very common for people to criticise those they feel threatened by. Often, there is a line dropped about someone’s dress to commenting about how their being a workaholic is a dim decision.

The only answer is to be confident about the decisions you make. However hard, you should learn to say no and remember that the only person allowed to judge you, is you.

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