Film Weekly

Just Us and them!

March 27 - March 2, 2019
Gulf Weekly Just Us and them!

Gulf Weekly Kristian Harrison
By Kristian Harrison


Starring: Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss

Director: Jordan Peele

Genre: Horror

Rating: 15+

RUNTIME: 116 Mins

 With Us, writer-director Jordan Peele proves that he’s no one-trick pony after the success of his Oscar-winning Get Out in 2017. Where Get Out is a racially-conscious thriller, Us is less concerned about social commentary and more horror-focused, with an ample amount of comedy sprinkled throughout.

The one aspect the two movies have in common – a credit to Peele’s skill as a storyteller – is that both are difficult to pin to one particular genre. If there’s anything to compare Us to, it would have to be the Twilight Zone.

Peele imbues Us with a profound sense of dread, adding his own playful tone, filled with scares, humour, and an unexpected ending that begs for a second viewing.

Us centres on the Wilsons, a seemingly normal middle-class family of four on holiday at their summer home near the California coast. But like any good Twilight Zone episode, there’s a sense that not everything is as picturesque as the beautiful beaches and lakeside retreats might lead you to believe.

Peele effectively creates this ominous tone first and foremost through strong character development, especially with Lupita Nyong’o, who portrays Adelaide, the matriarch of the family haunted by a traumatic experience she had as a young girl while on a similar trip with her mum and dad. The use of flashbacks to Adelaide’s childhood provides valuable insight into why her character seems so sad and often paranoid about the world around her. Nyong’o embodies the trauma of her character well, as she teeters on the edge of sanity with every new frightening development.

When Adelaide’s worst fears come true, and a terrifying doppelganger family shows up on their driveway wearing red jumpsuits and carrying large gold scissors, the story gets absolutely bonkers… in a good way. And while there are plenty of scares and creepy events happening all around, Peele balances the shock and awe with some hilarious moments courtesy of the dad, Gabe (Winston Duke).

Gabe’s happy-go-lucky personality is the perfect counterpoint to Adelaide’s sombre demeanour and even when the Wilsons’ doppelgangers are terrorising them, he finds time to crack a joke or make a hilarious observation about the crazy situation they’re all in. Gabe keeps Us from taking itself too seriously.

Since Us is a family affair, the children – Zora (Shahadi Wright Joseph) and Jason (Evan Alex) – get their time to shine as well. It’s enjoyable to watch them go up against their respective doppelgangers, which also gives the young performers a chance to show off their acting talent.

The scissor-wielding counterparts are very different in terms of their mannerisms, especially in their physicality. Jason’s double creepily moves in an animalistic fashion, whereas Zora’s just smiles wickedly and runs really, really fast.

In a movie where scissors, bats and fireplace pokers are used as weapons, there’s bound to be some blood splatter – but Peele doesn’t unleash all of the gore at once, and opts for a slow-build of violence that gets more graphic over time.

Peele’s technique adds suspense and tension because you’re never quite sure when the gross-out moments are about to occur – sometimes he pulls the camera back, leaving the slicing and dicing sounds as our only indicator as to what might be happening, while during other instances, Peele keeps the camera focused on the mayhem so you can squirm in your seat.

Peele’s command of music is another standout in Us. The film uses a mixture of acquired tracks during more comedic moments, but when Peele wants to create a more haunting mood, composer Michael Abels’ original score is fantastic.

Everything going on behind the camera is top-notch as well. Peele, along with cinematographer Mike Gioulakis, knows how to create a sense of dread. During one of the flashbacks, there’s a gorgeous and haunting shot of young Adelaide walking on the beach with an approaching storm brewing in the distance. The lightning and thunderclap set the tone for the chaos that’s about to ensue. Peele and Gioulakis say a lot without any dialogue.

Quite simply, Us is a very, very strange film. But that’s just fine because it wouldn’t be a Jordan Peele film if there wasn’t a little risk involved.

Peele has proven that he’s not a one-hit-wonder with this truly terrifying, poignant look at one American family that goes through hell at the hands of maniacal doppelgangers.

The strangeness of the narrative stays grounded with excellent character development, especially with Lupita Nyong’o’s Adelaide.

Winston Duke’s Gabe adds some much-needed humour to lighten the tense and bloody mood, and the children also have plenty to contribute. The impactful use of music and dazzling cinematography elevates Us above your average horror-thriller. Peele has created another marvellous new American horror story.

Now showing in all Bahrain’s cinemas.

 Kristian’s verdict: 5/5

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