Gulf Weekly Home Page

Cover Story
Gulf Weekly Green rescue act

Animal welfare champions are hoping to clean up on vet bills thanks to a unique green partnership involving a recycling initiative.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Local News
Gulf Weekly Stepping into a brighter future

Stepping into a brighter future

The New Millennium School Bahrain held a virtual ceremony to bid its graduates a hearty farewell and wish them well on their future endeavours.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More Stepping into a brighter future

Local News
Gulf Weekly New lease on life

New lease on life

A BABY born with a painful internal health problem has been successfully treated at a leading Bahrain facility.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More New lease on life

Local News
Gulf Weekly Catch ‘em young

Catch ‘em young

Aspiring young Bahraini artists are being given the chance to sharpen their digital art skills by experts in the field, for free, as part of an initiative.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More Catch ‘em young

Gulf Weekly Raring to go

Raring to go

The kingdom’s heavyweight hopeful Danis Latypov has spent the past two months in the UK sparring alongside Great Britain’s Olympians in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics next month ... and he is not planning on pulling any punches until he wins gold.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More The kingdom’s heavyweight hopeful Danis Latypov has spent the past two months in the UK sparring alongside Great Britain’s Olympians in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics next month ... and he is not planning on pulling any punches until he wins gold.

Culture Weekly
Gulf Weekly Music medley makes waves

Music medley makes waves

Bahraini singer and composer Mohammed Qamber is gearing up to release an inspired new medley pulling inspiration from different regions and times, writes Ghazi Alshehabi.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More Bahraini singer and composer Mohammed Qamber is gearing up to release an inspired new medley pulling inspiration from different regions and times, writes Ghazi Alshehabi.

Motoring Weekly
Gulf Weekly F1 plot thickens

F1 plot thickens

Sunday’s Formula 1 Grand Prix in France was the definitive sign that the championship pendulum this year is swinging away from the Silver Arrows in favour of its new mistress, the Red Bulls.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More F1 plot thickens

Culture Weekly
Gulf Weekly Summer festival coming home

Summer festival coming home

The 13th edition of the Bahrain Summer Festival is set to be held remotely next month, bringing a range of events including stage plays, musical concerts, workshops, cooking shows and, of course, the annual Nakhool talent competition, writes Naman Arora.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More Summer festival coming home

Culture Weekly
Gulf Weekly Colourful cubist culture

Colourful cubist culture

An artist from the Philippines has risen above his humble origins to create breath-taking cubist paintings of Bahraini culture.

June 23 - June 29, 2021

Gulf Weekly More Colourful cubist culture