Gulf Weekly Home Page

Cover Story
Gulf Weekly GOING DUTCH!

The Dutch community living in Bahrain will be painting the island orange starting from tomorrow as the European nation prepares to welcome its first male monarch in 123 years.

April 24 - 30, 2013

Local news
Gulf Weekly Master class!

Master class!

PRIZE-WINNING seven-year-old schoolboy Jihyeok Yang is making the right moves to fulfil his dream of becoming a chess champion.

April 24 - 30, 2013

Gulf Weekly More Master class!

Health Weekly
Gulf Weekly Smiles in adversity

Smiles in adversity

A helping hand is being offered to the parents of children suffering from cancer in a bid to ensure they have all the assistance and advice necessary as their loved ones undergo treatment and recovery.

April 24 - 30, 2013

Gulf Weekly More A helping hand is being offered to the parents of children suffering from cancer in a bid to ensure they have all the assistance and advice necessary as their loved ones undergo treatment and recovery.

TV Weekly
Gulf Weekly Pee Wee Herman added to Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Pee Wee Herman added to Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, the spin-off of Once Upon a Time, has cast another key character to its series, Pee Wee Herman.

April 24 - 30, 2013

Gulf Weekly More Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, the spin-off of Once Upon a Time, has cast another key character to its series, Pee Wee Herman.

Eating out
Gulf Weekly Me-say: This is good!

Me-say: This is good!

Meisei, pronounced Me-Say, is a Japanese word which, according to the chef, means elegance, honour and integrity, and that is exactly how he likes to create his dishes served at the restaurant of the same name, writes Mai Al Khatib.

April 24 - 30, 2013

Gulf Weekly More Me-say: This is good!

Sports News
Gulf Weekly I TOLD YOU SO!


DEFENDING triple world champion Sebastian Vettel opened up a clear lead at the top of this year’s title race on Sunday when he cruised to victory for Infiniti Red Bull Racing in the Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix … as promised exclusively on the cover of last week’s GulfWeekly.

April 24 - 30, 2013

Gulf Weekly More I TOLD YOU SO!