Gulf Weekly Home Page

Cover Story
Gulf Weekly The gift of warmth

TODAY GulfWeekly launches the region’s first-ever newspaper Christmas appeal in a bid to provide help for refugees who have fled war-torn Syria to live in camps across neighbouring countries.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Local News
Gulf Weekly You only win when you’re singing!

You only win when you’re singing!

We have long known the power of a good sing-along. Now, university research has shown that singing is a great ice-breaker and can get groups of people to bond together more quickly than other activities can.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More You only win when you’re singing!

Local News
Gulf Weekly Students shine on court

Students shine on court

The Bahrain Private Schools Sports League held a week of championship tournaments for qualifying schools, here in Bahrain, sponsored by GulfWeekly.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More Students shine on court

Local News
Gulf Weekly Jam project to spread cheer

Jam project to spread cheer

CARING mum Aurora Nolasco rallied her children to spread a little happiness into the lives of displaced refugees and watched as it grew into a concerted community effort.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More Jam project to spread cheer

Health Weekly
Gulf Weekly Going purple to beat cancer

Going purple to beat cancer

HEALTH campaigners have been donning purple emblems in a bid to create more awareness of pancreatic cancer and to raise funds for research into the disease.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More HEALTH campaigners have been donning purple emblems in a bid to create more awareness of pancreatic cancer and to raise funds for research into the disease.

Film Weekly
Gulf Weekly Hunger Games of Thrones

Hunger Games of Thrones

Of all the movies which have followed the recent trend of splitting up the final novel of a vastly popular series into two films, Mockingjay – Part 1 was the worst, or at least, the most incompetently-handled.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More Of all the movies which have followed the recent trend of splitting up the final novel of a vastly popular series into two films, Mockingjay – Part 1 was the worst, or at least, the most incompetently-handled.

Fashion Weekly
Gulf Weekly Bodacious babes

Bodacious babes

IT’S time to spread the happiness and take the mystery out of those bright egg-shape sponges you see peeking out of your handbag, sprawled out on make-up counters in ladies rooms and for sale at all local beauty shops.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More IT’S time to spread the happiness and take the mystery out of those bright egg-shape sponges you see peeking out of your handbag, sprawled out on make-up counters in ladies rooms and for sale at all local beauty shops.

Gulf Weekly Redesigned, stylish and comfortable

Redesigned, stylish and comfortable

National Motor Company launched the 2016 Honda Pilot at a glamorous ceremony at its showroom in Sitra, before confidently letting a group of motoring journalists, including yours truly, loose on the streets and beaches of Bahrain in the new model.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More Redesigned, stylish and comfortable

Eating Out
Gulf Weekly New chef’s amazing – official

New chef’s amazing – official

Executive Chef Indrajit Saha plans to conjure up additional magical mouth-watering elements at one of the island’s most popular Friday Brunch experiences.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More New chef’s amazing – official

Golf News
Gulf Weekly Narrow victory

Narrow victory

Eid Adel Meftah narrowly won the fourth round of the Audi quattro Cup qualifying series at the Royal Golf Club on countback after three competitors all achieved 33 Stableford points apiece.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More Narrow victory

Sports News
Gulf Weekly Crowning moment!

Crowning moment!

Mark Webber has had an incredible career. Most will remember him for his nine victories in Formula One, or possibly the 2012 season with Red Bull where for the first half of the season he was faster than Sebastien Vettel. Before that he had raced sport cars with Mercedes, most memorably surviving two crashes at Le Mans in 1999.

November 25 - December 1, 2015

Gulf Weekly More Crowning moment!