Swing music, or simply swing, a form of American music that developed in the early 1930s and became a distinctive style by 1940, has made a sudden resurgence in popularity in the kingdom.
Members of the media and VIPs have been given a glimpse of the work of Bahraini artists which will thrill and engage with art-lovers at a unique show being staged in the UK this month.
Abstract artist Ella Prakash’s latest series of expressive paintings focusing on feminism and self-discovery is set to be unveiled next Thursday at her gallery in Adliya.
BAHRAIN’S insatiable desire for shopping continues unabated with Géant confident it can woo customers with a regular supply of fresh produce and money-saving ‘WIGIG’ concept it believes will keep the competition on its toes and shoppers wanting more at its newest location.
The second Ladies Captain Annual Charity Golf Tournament, held at the Royal Golf Club, raised more than $10,000 for The Palm Association, a Bahrain charity run by women and providing assistance such as food parcels, educational sponsorship and home improvements for Bahraini women and children.
Splash, Landmark Group’s largest fashion brand in the Middle East and India, has launched a new campaign titled ‘Love Unites’ bringing together six top models of various ethnicities from across the globe to deliver the message that caste, creed and colour should not be used to discriminate.
AFTER the success of the 15-day cross country tour, the Super Adventure Riders, a group of Bahraini motorcycle enthusiasts will set off on their BMW motorcycles for another ride to promote the message of unity and help raise money for charity.
THERE was a classic joke that went round the school playgrounds in my youth following the arrival of microwave ovens into kitchens back home in the UK.
As an avid video game fan, it has long distressed me that movie adaptions of the medium are almost universally rubbish. In fact, it’s an ongoing in-joke within the gaming community that any movie based on a game or vice-versa will be doomed to fail.
Should he stay or should he go? The great debate over the future of Arsenal’s manager Arsène Wenger took a new twist in Bahrain at the weekend when one of the English Premier League club’s legendary players stepped into the furore expressing his sympathy for protesting fans.