


May 27 - June 2, 2015

Thank you so much for such an amazing feature on our twins Lilo and Deena following their literary success in the International Torrance Legacy Creativity Awards. It is beyond anything that we could have imagined.
We have received nonstop calls and messages of praise, including from people who are not friends, just parents, who found the content inspiring to their kids as well as very positive in that it supports the often forgotten basics, such as writing.
The twins were initially beside themselves, but, of course, once people started talking to them, got too embarrassed with how important it all sounded.
All the same, it’s truly appreciated.
Heba Fareed, by email.

The Whisperer

May 27 - June 2, 2015

FOOTBALL has been taken to the hearts of sport-loving Americans, so much so that British icon David Beckham is launching a team there and pundits reckon it’s only a matter of time before the country’s home-grown players are crowned FIFA World Cup champions.

Morag from Manama

May 27 - June 2, 2015

Apparently the trick to having a positive arrival experience in your new posting is finding the right mentor.
They can take you under their wings, share their local knowledge they have learnt over the years and help you to navigate your way in to your new community whilst avoiding the potholes.